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179 Name: Date: Period: LabBench Activity 3: Mitosis & Meiosis Analysis of Results I Identify each phase of mitosis labeled in the diagram. Then, calculate the amount of time spent in each phase of the cell cycle and complete the data table. Assume that the total time required for a complete cell cycle for these cells is 24 hours.

(AP Lab Manual) To observe animal behavior in this lab, isopods will be isolated in a controlled experiment. AP Biology Lab 11. This Supplement to the First Printing of the lab manual includes updated URLs, corrections, clarifications, sample data tables for Investigation 7, and an updated version of the AP Biology Equations and Formulas appendix.

Note: The average time for onion root tip cells to complete the cell cycle is 24 hours = 1440 minutes. To calculate the time for each stage, do the following:% of cells in the stage 1440 minutes = number of minutes in the stage Phases: A = B = C = D = E = 179 180 Data Table Number of Cells% of Total Cells Counted Time in each stage Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total: Questions 1. Select the phase of the cell cycle depicted. Select the phase of the cell cycle depicted.

Interphase b. Select the phase of the cell cycle depicted. Interphase b. Select the phase of the cell cycle depicted. Interphase b. Interphase b.

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Telophase 180 181 Analysis of Results II Study this small section of a slide of Sordaria to determine if crossing over has occurred in the asci designated by an X. If the ascospores are arranged 4 dark/4 light, count the ascus as 'No crossing over.' If the arrangement of ascospores is in any other combination, count it as 'Crossing over.' (Keep track of your counts with paper and pencil.) In this exercise, we are interested only in asci that form when mating occurs between the black-spore strain and the tan-spore strain, so ignore any asci that have all black spores or all tan spores. Occasionally the asci rupture and spores escape. You can see them here as individual spores not in one of the possible arrangements, so don't include them in your count. In the photo, how many asci marked with an X show no evidence of crossing over?

In the photo, how many asci marked with an X show evidence of crossing over? In the photo, what is the total number of asci marked with an X? What is the percent of crossovers?

Take the number of asci with crossovers divided by total number of asci multiplied by 100. For the sample shown here, what is the map distance between the gene for spore color and the centromere? Take the percent of crossovers divided by 2. Questions Answer: 1.

Which of the following statements is correct? Crossing over occurs in prophase I of meiosis and metaphase of mitosis. DNA replication occurs once prior to mitosis and twice prior to meiosis. Both mitosis and meiosis result in daughter cells identical to the parent cells. Karyokinesis occurs once in mitosis and twice in meiosis. Synapsis occurs in prophase of mitosis. The cell cycle in a certain cell type has a duration of 16 hours.

The nuclei of 660 cells showed 13 cells in anaphase. What is the approximate duration of anaphase in these cells? 13 minutes c. 19 minutes d.


32 minutes e. 647 minutes 181 182 Base your answers to questions 3 & 4 on the following figure: 3. For an organism with a diploid number of 6, how are the chromosomes arranged during metaphase I of meiosis? Which sketch shows the arrangement of chromosomes that you would expect to see in metaphase of mitosis for a cell with a diploid chromosome number of 6? D Base your answers to questions 5 & 6 on the following information.

A group of asci formed from crossing light-spored Sordaria with dark-spored produced the following results: Number of Asci Counted Spore Arrangement 7 4 light/4 dark spores 8 4 dark/4 light spores 3 2 light/2 dark/2 light/2 dark spores 4 2 dark/2 light/2 dark/2 light spores 1 2 dark/4 light/2 dark spores 2 2 light/4 dark/2 light spores 5. How many of these asci contain a spore arrangement that resulted from crossing over? 10 e From this sample, calculate the map distance between the gene and centromere.

10 map units b. 20 map units c. 30 map units d. 40 map units 182 183 Name: Date: Period: LabBench Activity 4: Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis Analysis of Results I If you did a number of chromatographic separations, each for a different length of time, the pigments would migrate a different distance on each run. However, the migration of each pigment relative to the migration of the solvent would not change. This migration of pigment relative to migration of solvent is expressed as a constant, R f (Reference front). It can be calculated by using the formula: R f = Look at the black ink chromatogram to the left.

Calculate the R f value for green. Show your work. Answer: Questions 1. Look again at the chromatogram you completed in the previous exercise. Which of the following is true for your chromatogram? The R f for carotene can be determined by dividing the distance the yellow-orange pigment (carotene) migrated by the distance the solvent front migrated. The R f value of chlorophyll b will be higher than the R f value for chlorophyll a.

The molecules of xanthophyll are not easily dissolved in this solvent, and thus are probably larger in mass than the chlorophyll b molecules. If this same chromatogram were set up and run for twice as long, the R f values would be twice as great for each pigment. If a different solvent were used for the chlorophyll chromatography described earlier, what results would you expect? The distances travelled by each pigment will be different, but the R f values will stay the same. The relative position of the bands will be different. The results will be the same if the time is held constant. The R f values of some pigments might exceed 184 3.

What is the R f value for carotene calculated from the chromatogram below? A b c d e Analysis of Results II Based on your understanding of the light reactions of photosynthesis, draw in the approximate shapes of the curves you predict on the graphs below. Questions Refer to the following graphs for questions 1, 2, & 185 1. Which graph would be the most likely result of performing the photosynthesis experiment using fresh chloroplasts placed in light and DPIP? What is the best explanation for graph B? The DPIP was too pale at the beginning of the experiment. The chloroplast solution was too concentrated.

The experimenter used chloroplasts that were damaged and could not respond to light. The blank was not properly used to calibrate the spectrophotometer. What effect would adding more DPIP to each experimental tube have on these results? Each curve would be shifted downward but would keep the same general shape. The curve in graph C would rise more steeply and level off sooner. The curve in graph A would have the same general shape as the curve in graph C. The chloroplasts would absorb more light energy, so there would be no change.

What is the role of DPIP in this experiment? It mimics the action of chlorophyll by absorbing light energy. It serves as an electron donor and blocks the formation of NADPH. It is an electron acceptor and is reduced by electrons from chlorophyll. It is bleached in the presence of light, and can be used to measure light levels. Some students were not able to get many data points in this experiment because the solution went from blue to colorless in only 5 minutes for the unboiled chloroplasts exposed to light. What modification to the experiment do you think would be most likely to provide better results?

Increase the number of drops of chloroplasts used from 3 to 5. Double the volume of DPIP so that the solution has a lower initial transmittance. Modify the blank so that the initial transmittance is higher.

Use fresher spinach and prepare the chloroplast solution during the laboratory procedure. Change the wavelength at which readings are taken. 185 186 Name: Date: Period: LabBench Activity 5: Cell Respiration Analysis of Results After you have collected data for the amount of oxygen consumed over time by germinating and nongerminating peas at two different temperatures, you can compare the rates of respiration. Let's review how to calculate rate. Rate = slope of the line,.

In this case, Δ y is the change in volume, and Δ x is the change in time (10 min). What would be the rate of oxygen consumption if the respirometer readings were as shown here? Answer: Questions Refer to the following figure for questions 1, 2, & 187 1. Which is the following is a true statement based on the data? The amount of oxygen consumed by germinating corn at 22 C is approximately twice the amount of oxygen consumed by germinating corn at 12 C. The rate of oxygen consumption is the same in both germinating and nongerminating corn during the initial time period from 0 to 5 minutes.

The rate of oxygen consumption in the germinating corn at 12 C at 10 minutes is 0.4 ml O 2 /minute. The rate of oxygen consumption is higher for nongerminating corn at 12 C than at 22 C. If the experiment were run for 30 minutes, the rate of oxygen consumption would decrease 2. What is the rate of oxygen consumption in germinating corn at 12 C? A ml/min b ml/min c. 0.8 ml/min d ml/min 3. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the data?

The rate of respiration is higher in nongerminating seeds than in germinating seeds. Nongerminating peas are not alive, and show no difference in rate of respiration at different temperatures. The rate of respiration in the germinating seeds would have been higher if the experiment were conducted in sunlight. The rate of respiration increases as the temperature increases in both germinating and nongerminating seeds.

The amount of oxygen consumed could be increased if pea seeds were substituted for corn seeds. What is the role of KOH in this experiment? It serves as an electron donor to promote cellular respiration. As KOH breaks down, the oxygen needed for cellular respiration is released.

It serves as a temporary energy source for the respiring organism. It binds with carbon dioxide to form a solid, preventing CO 2 production from affecting gas volume. Its attraction for water will cause water to enter the respirometer. 187 188 Name: Date: Period: LabBench Activity 6: Molecular Biology Analysis of Results I If there is no ampicillin in the agar, E. Coli will cover the plate with so many cells it is called a 'lawn' of cells. Only transformed cells can grow on agar with ampicillin.

Since only some of the cells exposed to the amp R plasmids will actually take them in, only some cells will be transformed. Thus you will see only individual colonies on the plate. If none of the sensitive E.

Coli cells have been transformed, nothing will grow on the agar with ampicillin. Label the Results of Your Experiment Label plates I, II, III, and IV based on the following choices: a.

LB agar without ampicillin, +amp R cells b. LB agar without ampicillin, amp R cells c. LB agar with ampicillin, +amp R cells d. LB agar with ampicillin, amp R cells Choice: Choice: Choice: Choice: 188 189 Questions Refer to the following information and images of Plates I, II, III, and IV to answer questions 1 4. In a molecular biology laboratory, a student obtained competent E. Coli cells and used a common transformation procedure to induce the uptake of plasmid DNA with a gene for resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin.

The results below were obtained. On which petri dish do only transformed cells grow? Driverpack solution 17.7.4 offline iso download. Which of the plates is used as a control to show that nontransformed E. Coli will not grow in the presence of kanamycin?

Ap Biology Labs

If a student wants to verify that transformation has occurred, which of the following procedures should she use? Spread cells from Plate I onto a plate with LB agar; incubate. Spread cells from Plate II onto a plate with LB agar; incubate.

Ap Biology Lab Manual Resource Center

Repeat the initial spread of kan R cells onto plate IV to eliminate possible experimental error. Spread cells from Plate II onto a plate with LB agar with kanamycin; incubate. Spread cells from Plate III onto a plate with LB agar and also onto a plate with LB agar with kanamycin; incubate 4. During the course of an E. Coli transformation laboratory, a student forgot to mark the culture tube that received the kanamycin-resistant plasmids. The student proceeds with the laboratory because he thinks that he will be able to determine from his results which culture tube contained cells that may have undergone transformation.