Quick Links • • • Description The family feud has reached a boiling point. The Zafords and the Hodunks are preparing for a final showdown, and Ellie has asked you to be there.

Bl2 Hodunks Or Zafords

Borderlands 2 - Should I side with the Zafords or Hodunks? Advanced microprocessor and peripherals a.k.ray and k.m.bhurchandi pdf free. - Clan Wars In the final part of the optional side mission 'Clan Wars', you're able to choose if you want to side with the Zafords or the Hodunks.

Only one family can survive this battle, and it is up to you to decide which one. Level: 18 Rewards Item: SMG / Shotgun Experience: 4812 XP Walkthrough After we get the mission from Ellie, we need to go to Lynchwood train station (The Dust area, near the exit point to The Highlands), to assist the final showdown. We must note that once we get there, we have to side with either the Zafords or the Hodunks, and we cannot leave the battle until the other family is eliminated.

Therefore, when we reach the train station, we start the fight by shooting one of the members of the family we decide to destroy. It is really a matter of taste, because each family has a powerful boss, and we can get good rewards from both families (if we side with the Zafords we get a SMG, and if we side with Hodunks we get a Shotgun).

Clan War Zafords Vs Hodunks Rewards

After the fight is over, we have to speak with the leader of the family we decided to help, to complete this final mission, Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks, so we can focus on other missions described in our complete Borderlands 2 walkthrough.