Overall 5 Story 2 Animation 7 Sound 8 Character 5 Enjoyment 6 So I came watching this anime knowing that there was going to be some massive S&M abusive thing going on, but ended being disappointed. I think that the story had a lot of potential in terms of the setting, but the execution was just horrible. On with the story, I actually liked the idea of having this innocent girl literally walking into a den of abusive vampires, and living with them, but they didn't really do a good job with developing the characters. I know that this series is from an otome game, and it's suppose to advertise the game, but the overall execution was still dreadful. Sony vegas 14 patch download.

On with the characters, I think the characters were pretty interesting for a while.but only for a while. After the next few episodes, I just got bored of them. Especially with the heroine, I thought that she had the most potential for developing throughout the story, but she kinda.dedeveloped(?) and got worse - in my opinion. I know that, since this is from an otoge, it's trying to make me self insert into the heroine, but I couldn't do that.

Diabolik lovers lost eden So this will be my last support for this fandom, and I will never touch this series again. Bear with my crappy review, because of the crappy plot, bear with my curses too.

It just fails to make the heroine interesting enough for me to self-insert into her. I don't want to be her character at all! On with the good stuff, I really like the character designs and the sounds. I think the animation went a bit downhill later on but it was only a bit. But the sounds tho.

I need to give props for the voice actors and the people who did the soundtracks. I think that the art and the sounds were the only thing that kept me watching this, also, the hope that the heroine would develop. Maybe they should've focused on one guy instead of trying to fit everyone's lifestory in to the anime. It was just halfhearted, the anime puts in plot points, and just leaves it there as a plot hole. Well, I hope that the plot holes gets answered in the game. IN CONCLUSION, if you're just a masochistic person hoping to hear handsome-looking fictional male characters abusing you with their sexy voices, and (if you're planning to self-insert) biting you in literally every episode, then you might enjoy this. Also applies if you're a male, and you have a serious issue with being a sadistic bastard.

If you're not that person, then you should stay the hell away from this anime. Overall 3 Story 2 Animation 7 Sound 7 Character 6 Enjoyment 3 If you're looking for a reverse harem, do not watch this series! Diabolik Lovers is a far cry from the average reverse harem, so far that I have a hard time considering it one. True, there are six hot guys competing for the female lead, except for their sights are set less on winning her heart and more on sucking her blood. There is really no romantic element to speak of until the very end, and even that is rather shallow.::Story:: The summary for this series is very misleading (read 'entirely wrong.' ) This is not a sweet story of a girl with latent psychic abilities meeting six lovable vampires, this is a story of a girl being betrayed and forced to live with killers.

This ends up being inconsequential, however, and the series doesn't really care about having a story until the last four episodes anyway. Until then, each episode is the standard reverse harem roulette of 'which guy will be featured this week?' These episodes do very little to engage the viewer besides show some juicy scenes of the boys attacking Yui. These are not for the squeamish as they involve physical abuse and implied rape. When the actual story-line gets off it's rump and makes an appearance, it's too late.

There are only four episodes left to cram all the plot that should have been there from the beginning, so the writers just throw what they can into a giant jumble (with a few more fang-rape scenes) and hope to make it to the end. To their credit, those last two episodes are a doozy!::Character:: A fair amount of credit is due for the way the characters are written in Diabolik Lovers. While they tend to fit general reverse harem stereotypes, there is something about each of the men that makes them special. I think it's that they're absolutely wretched people.

As someone who has become jaded with the genre, I feel that this aspect alone makes this series worth watching. For instance: Reiji, the strict, serious one (he got glasses, don't he?) Bespectacled and respectable, until you find out that he is a horrible sadist. Ayato, the brash youth who comes off as a jerk but turns out to be. Kanato, the adorable shota who ends up being completely unbalanced.

(Yandere, anyone?) Raito, the playboy who loves to tease, but really has a heart of gold (except he doesn't.) Shu, the cold, distant one who never becomes warm and cuddly. Subaru is really the only character that seems to have any sense of decency, and I believe this is why he is somewhat of an outcast. Despite his hotheaded nature and tendency to punch things, he's an all right guy. Yui is pretty much the blank slate heroine. The only memorable thing about her is her uncanny ability to get herself into bad situations.

True, she's locked in a house with six vampires, so there aren't really any good situations to be had, but the girl is constantly asking for it. 'Oh hey, that guy who always talks about beating me seems troubled, I should see if he's okay-- Oh geez, why you bite me??' I appreciate that these vampires are REAL vampires. No noble men haunted by their lust for blood here; these guys are pretty cool with being horrible, incorrigible vampires, and I like that.::Sound:: I thought the performances of the entire cast were fairly good. Hikaru Midorikawa is sexy as ever. Yuki Kaji seemed to have fun as Kanato and I always enjoy hearing him scream. My only beef with the voices was the noises a couple of the characters made while sucking Yui's blood.

Ayato's squelching, smacking noises really put me off, and the'chomp' sound Subaru made whenever he bit down was hilarious. The music was nothing to speak of, well or ill.::Art:: Fairly reasonable for this sort of series. The dark, faded color palette really suited the subject. I had some issue with character design, mostly in the clothing choices.

Each boy wore basically the same school uniform with minor personal touches. Some of these, like Kanato's off one shoulder jacket, suited the character, but others, like Ayato's rolled up pants leg, just looked odd.::Enjoyment:: I wouldn't really say I enjoyed this series, but I guess I watched it to the end so there must have been something there. If nothing else, it was an interesting experience.::Overall:: I stress again -- if you are looking for a reverse harem, this is not the series for you. Honestly, unless you are starved for hot anime guys and have a strong stomach for sexually toned violence, this is not the series for you. If that sort of thing floats your boat, go for it.

No judgement here. What it comes down to is that this series is really worth little more than a string of pseudo-sexual scenes with inconsequential dialogue and little plot. I can see it's worth as pure pornography, but not as a story. To be fair, as this is based on an otome game, what else would one expect? I think the producers of Diabolik Lovers are unashamed of what it truly is, and rather than try to fluff it up and make it a reasonable series, they ran with it.

I applaud them for that. Somewhere there are women who need violent girl porn who are clapping, too. Overall 1 Story 1 Animation 6 Sound 6 Character 6 Enjoyment 2 Oh,hooo, Mr. Sadistic Night, whatta a lame ending that was, before anything else, let get some things clear, first I haven't played the otome game version yet, and I probably will never play it, second, I have no idea if this diabolik anime has a light novel or manga, but if there is, I probably won't read it.So let get down to business as I present my rating for each of this 12 minute long anime: Pathetic 1. Story: There isn't any, because the plot is too narrowly straightforward that it only covers the fate of the heroine, Yui.in the hands of the predators- which in this case the six vampire brothers. Overall: This 12 minute anime can be consider in the same level as a crush video, except instead of animals who were treated cruelly it was the main female character who was being treated cruelly by the vampire brothers in a way that she serves as a human blood bank, where she always get sucked, frankly it is safe to say that this anime is nothing more than a sucking porn and as for the guy who wrote it, Seiko Nagatsu, the director Yuuki Hayashi and studio Zexcs, I'd probably say that they suck, suck and suck. Fair 6 Art: So far the artistic approach of this anime is good and that the only silver lining that this anime has, unfortunately, I can't say the same when it come to the character's sense of fashion, were they suppose to appear like delinquents or were they a victim of this anime' s illustrator's poor sense of fashion?

I can really never understand they way them Japanese illustrate their idea of a delinquent who looks like a bunch of dorks. Sound: I like they way most the VA's who did the character's voices, but not so with the opening theme and the one who did Kanato's voice, Yuki Kaji where he sounded like this gayish retard. Character: Ok so here, I have to admit it was my sympathy for Yui that kept me from dropping this anime, one would have wish that some knight in a shinning armor rescues her, however, I also felt a certain annoyance when she didn't tried hard enough to get away from them, even when an opportunity has presented itself. As for the vampire brothers and family members, I also have to admit that they are the character's that I love to hate, where one would probably desire that they meet a gruesome death, but unfortunately that didn't happen and only the uncle got slain. Dreadful 2 Enjoyment: One has to content with all that sucking and mistreatment of the main female heroine, let's face all that sucking, sucking and sucking proves to be diabolically boring and one would hope that something climatic will happen, so generally speaking studio Zexcs should have left it as an otome game, I guess one might say that playing the game is more exciting than watching this nightmare. Overall 1 Story 1 Animation 1 Sound 1 Character 1 Enjoyment 1 I'm not even going to waste my time. I'm female I like otome games I even like the way they divide episodes into routes to give all male leads a chance at happy ending.

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As lame as it is I am a fan of uta pri. Yoroshkune bitch chan? I almost stopped in the first episode right at that moment. Omg I would have gone all exorcist on your ass try and say it to me in real life. The heroine is stupid. She needs to get a stake through her brain as much as the vampires need to get a stake through their hearts. They didn't even attempt to give us an akane or even a tamaki.

Gone are the days when when we had heroines like himeno who were strong and smart and had self respect. Secretly we want to be treated like crap? Who do you think we are baka writers? Not worth watching.

Or reviewing. Hey I have far more respect for incest anime than this load of crap. I seriously hate incest anime. Overall 2 Story 2 Animation 4 Sound 5 Character 1 Enjoyment 1 Oh, boy, where do I even begin?

The fact that this has spanned two seasons so far (also fondly known as half a day I’ll never get back) is honestly appalling. If you enjoy watching female MCs being borderline sexually assaulted, then by all means, this is the show for you. But otherwise, spare your mind and your eyes and don't be fooled by this travesty. This is a reverse harem anime, so it comes as no surprise just how often Diabolik Lovers sends the watcher down the sexually-suggestive-with-hints-of-sadism rabbit hole. The very first episode has no qualms about shoving it into your face as soon as the poor girl enters the mansion, and things don’t taper out much in the first season or the second season, for that matter.

Diabolik Lovers Age Rating

Of course, in terms of plot, there really isn't one; just one huge convoluted mess of bite scenes—okay, a lot of bite scenes—in which the dialogue during said moments tends to be well, uncomfortable to sit through. Also, can we talk about the sound effects?

Since when does biting into flesh sound anything like eating an apple? And don’t even get me started on the actual blood sucking. It literally sounds like the voice actors sat in the studio slurping a can of goddamn Progresso over their microphones. The characters aren't much better. Yui Komori is the incredibly mundane MC who allows herself to be walked all over by the boys at every turn.

I get it, they're vampires, and could probably overpower her. But goodness gracious, couldn't she have tried a little harder? The Sakamaki boys even told her to get out while she could, but no, the twat couldn't even manage to do that. Sure, the boys may be pretty (and maybe you’re reading this thinking that you’d be fine with it all because they are such eye candy) but good God, are they assholes, and the fact that Yui just lets them be like that is beyond irritating. No one likes watching a show where they want to repeatedly slam a metal chair into the main character’s head. Okay, actually, that was rather violent imagery, so just ignore that. Not great, not terrible, but decent, I guess.

Yui's eyes are weird as hell, but the boys actually aren't terrible looking. At the end of the day, maybe that's the only reason to watch this trainwreck. And the music isn't half bad.

The OP is pretty catchy, and the ED music helps set a tone much darker than the story actually is. — Overall Rating: 2/10 — Pros: Attractive characters (though this does not equal good art); Japanese seiyuus did a proportionately better job than the American ones; that's it, that's all I can think of — Cons: Many, many plot holes (the show is basically one big plot hole); art is pretty mediocre; MC has no redeeming qualities; cheesy and over-the-top dub acting; extremely short episode time (though for me it meant less time writhing in mental anguish); forgettable soundtrack. Overall 3 Story 2 Animation 8 Sound 5 Character 1 Enjoyment 1 I watched this in 3 days straight in the fifteen minutes of downtime before I went to school. Let's just say. My time would probably have been better spent on playing something like candy crush- a time waster game. That's because that's what this was: a time waster. Story - What story?

A young girl gets sent to a mansion full of pretty boys for reasons unknown. That's it, actually.